We can’t help everyone, but everyone can help someone. ~Ronald Reagan

Well I don’t know about you, but I’m very glad to have February behind us. The cold, the rain, the floods! I’m so ready for warmer weather. Besides the weather, February’s complaint was: Where are those annoying pop-ups coming from and how do I stop them?

If you use the Chrome browser, you might be wondering the same thing. The pop-ups are called notifications and they appear in the lower right corner of the screen. Sometimes they close automatically, sometimes they have to be closed manually, and frequently they are an interruption to the task at hand.

Typically, the sites sending notifications have asked permission to do so, and typically you didn’t realize what an annoyance it would become when you agreed. So without further ado, here are the steps to turn them off:

Chrome-3 dots1-These are native to Chrome, so open up the Chrome Browser and click the triple dots in the top right corner

2-Choose Settings from the drop down menu

Chrome-Advanced3-Scroll to the bottom of the settings page and click on Advanced

4-Scroll down to Content Settings, click on the right pointing arrow

Chrome-Notifications5-Scroll down to Notifications and click on its right pointing arrow

6-The items under the Allow Section are the notifications that may or may not be driving you nuts. Use the triple dots to the right to block/edit/remove


That’s it for this month. Until Next Month, remember to Keep Your Data Safe!
