Real, and Achievable Resolutions for 2022.

It’s more important to not fail than to succeed. 

Japanese proverb

Happy 2022 to You!!  Let’s hope this year is better than the last two!

Per normal, (and don’t we all like normal?) the beginning of a new year means attempting new life style changes.  My attempts at weight loss and better fitness have failed multiple times, so how about we tackle some easier, and just as important resolutions together?

PRIVACY:  Let’s take a look at our Google Privacy settings.  If you have a gmail account, (and who doesn’t?) you might want to limit how long google remembers where you’ve been.  The following web page was posted 18 months ago, but the directions are still relevant.  I recommend taking 10-15 minutes and following the steps to enhance your privacy.  The site address is long so I’ve created a tinyurl address that will get you to the same place but with less typing. If what you find in your google account settings really freaks you out, I suggest abandoning google search and replacing it with Brave, downloadable at, or DuckDuckGo,  downloadable from  Neither product will track you.

· Real Address:

· Shortened Address:

EFFICIENCY:  We just cleaned up and reduced what google can remember about your web searches.  How about a couple of tips to improve your search results?  These are the three I use frequently:

· +(plus sign)  Putting a + in front of a word forces the search results to only show sites with the word included.  Example:  search for green bean +recipes, to see lots of results for recipes and nothing for growing/planting

· -(minus sign) Putting a minus sign in front of a word will remove all sites containing that word from the search results.  Example:  search for North Bend.  Now exclude any reference to North Bend, Washington by searching  North Bend  -WA

· “”(quote marks) Putting a phrase in Quotes will only return sites that contain that exact phrase.  Example: “apartments for rent” “Coos Bay”

Want more tips?  Check out:

PROTECTION:   The south coast just experienced a major wind storm that  dropped a redwood tree on my brother’s house.  My brother and sis-n-law are safe (thanks for asking) but the house is a loss.  If that happened to your home or business would your data be safe?  How upset would you be if your computer was lost, stolen, broken or destroyed and your data went “Bye-Bye” permanently?

We have affordable backup and data protection plans.  A backup makes copies of your data.  A data protection plan gives you the added benefit of operating all of your programs and accessing your data via cloud services should your existing system become unusable.  I would love to chat with you about data protection.  My preference would be to have that chat before you need the protection and not after.  Please give me a call.

Stay Safe,

Stay Healthy!


Cold weather can draw many passengers.