The only way to do great work is to love what you do. ~Steve Jobs

It’s good to be back in God’s country. I just spent five days traveling to and from Las Vegas for a trade show. I am fairly certain air conditioning is mans greatest invention! I’m also fairly certain my brain has been boiled, my creative processes have all died, I can’t think of anything new or entertaining to write about. So I’m going to cheat. Here are some fun facts from days gone by:

1948: At Manchester University, the world’s first stored-program electronic digital computer successfully executed its first program. It was called the Small-Scale Experimental Machine, but nicknamed “The Baby”.

1979: The first Sony Walkman, the TPS-L2, goes on sale in Japan. The portable, personal cassette player goes on to sell 200 million cumulative units and Janet Graduates from Marshfield!

1981: IBM introduces its Personal Computer (PC), known as the IBM Model 5150. IBM’s first PC ran with a 4.77 MHz Intel 8088 microprocessor and used Microsoft’s MS-DOS operating system.

1983: Microsoft introduces Windows, which featured pull-down menus, tiled windows, mouse support and more. Also the year Janet graduates from Oregon State University with a Bachelor of Science in Business Administration and dual minors in Computer Science and Behavioral Science.

1993: Directors of CERN release the source code of World Wide Web into the public domain, making it freely available to anyone, without licensing fees.

2000: In only six hours, the “ILOVEYOU” computer virus spreads around the world to over 2.5 million personal computers running Windows.

2001: Apple unveils first iPod for $399. The 5 GB digital music player could store 1,000 songs on its hard drive.

2001: Wikipedia, the free Wiki content encyclopedia, goes online. At the end of year one there were 19,700 articles. As of August 2, there are 5,453,475 articles in the English Wikipedia.

2005: Video sharing site YouTube launches. There are now over four billion video views every day.

2007: Google enters the cell phone market by introducing the Android platform, based on a modified version of the Linux operating system.

2012: Stock value of Apple, Inc. surpasses $500 billion.

2015: Apple, Inc. is the first company to reach a stock value of $700 billion.

2016: Only 20 Fortune 500 companies actually engage with their customers on Facebook, while 83% have a presence on Twitter.

2016: Stock value of Apple, Inc. returns to $523 billion.

2017: Comp-U-Talk celebrates 33 years of providing computer support to Coos County Businesses and residents. We love what we do. We hope it shows. We have one request: If you appreciate us, please keep us in business and tell your friends. If not, please tell us, so we can make it right.

Enjoy the dog days of summer and surf safe.


Because it made me laugh!

cats in order