Plan Now to Save Later

I am not a product of my circumstances. I am a product of my decisions.

~Stephen Covey

I can’t believe Fall is here. Where did this year go? As we start the final quarter of the year, it’s time again to think about minimizing the tax bill. One way to do that is with the purchase of new equipment.

Besides tax benefits, there are other benefits to replacing aging servers and workstations. IDC studied mid to large businesses last year and found that businesses that refresh hardware more frequently were able to reduce operating costs which in turn, increased revenues.

Now, if you are like me, you might be thinking: “Who is IDC? And why should I care about their study? Anybody can do a study! After all, my dog did a study and he has determined that the side yard makes a perfect rest area, and the back yard is a lousy bedroom!”

So for the hesitant: IDC stands for International Data Corporation and their website states they are the premier global provider of market intelligence, advisory services, and events for the information technology, telecommunications, and consumer technology markets. They offer global, regional, and local expertise on technology and industry opportunities and trends in over 110 countries. ( You can read all about their study here:

Back on topic, IDC listed these reasons contributed to the savings:

  • new hardware is more efficient and more reliable
  • like vehicles, older computer equipment is more expensive to maintain
  • new hardware/software improves employee productivity thru faster processing

And a new reason to consider replacing hardware sooner rather than later: Trade Tariffs. The majority of computer components are manufactured in China. We are expecting to see component prices increase anywhere from 10% to 25%.

With these reasons in mind, if you are using equipment that is over 3 years old, I recommend you start planning and budgeting for its replacement. Current workstation pricing is here. And if you are replacing a server, give us a call and we can assist with the sizing and licensing requirements for your specific needs.

Keeping Your Data Safe!


Because it made me laugh:

German Shepherd had 9 pups