In sad
news: Windows 7 is retiring. The
official end of sales date for Windows 7 Pro is October 31, 2016.
Just a short two months away. Come November, the only
supply of Windows 7 will be surplus copies. So… If your
line-of-business software does not work with Windows 10, and if the computer it
runs on is aging faster than you, it might be wise to replace the system with a
new one.
To be
clear: It’s the ability to purchase new computers
running Windows 7 that is going away. The availability of
critical updates for Windows 7 will continue for another 3 1/2 years.
The currently scheduled stop date for Windows 7 critical updates is
January 14, 2016. (Critical updates are patches to protect your system against
So what
should you look for if you are planning to purchase a new computer?
I’ve always advised to set a budget. If you know what
you can afford, then figuring out the features is a whole bunch easier.
Second, look at the software you use. Do you need
Microsoft Word? Quickbooks? Outlook? Access? Photoshop? Something else?
Make a list, including the version and how it was purchased.
Was it purchased on CD? Download? Included as part of computer sale?
Will your current version run on Windows 7 or Windows 10 and if it runs
on the desired operating system, will the license allow it to be moved to a new
computer? Once you have these answers then we can tailor a
system to your specific uses.
step: choose a system that will run the necessary software, fits the
budget and doesn’t tax your tolerance for lag time response.
Words to Know:
Central Processing Unit, the engine of the computer.
Everything, and I mean EVERYTHING will pass thru the CPU.
CPU’s come in single core, dual core, quad core and more. A
core is similar to a highway. Do you want to drive on a 1
lane dirt road? That’s a single core. How
about a 2 lane city street? That’s a dual core. A four lane
highway? Quadcore. The more cores, the
more data you can process at a time. The speeds of the CPU:
2.1 GHZ, 3 GHZ, 3.6 GHZ, is similar to miles-per-hour.
Random Access Memory. This IS NOT permanent storage
space. This is your work bench for assembling/manipulating
data. The space is only available when the computer is on,
and is emptied every time the computer turns off. Fours Gigs
or more is recommended.
Drive: This IS your permanent storage.
If email and web surfing is your activity of choice, then you don’t need
much space. A 500 Gig drive will do you.
If you collect pictures, jokes, lots of programs or data, then bigger is better.
The next size up is 1000 Gigs, aka a 1 Terabyte (TB).
Stands for Solid State Drive which is an incredibly fast hard
drive. If you like a fast, immediate response, this is the
ticket. You will pay a little bit of a premium to own one of
these, but if you are on the computer continuously, it is worth the extra money.
Graphics/Video Card: Used to display info on
the monitor. For basic run of the mill applications
like web surfing, email, accounting applications, the built in video is fine.
For high end photo editing, online gaming, even streaming video, then a
dedicated card is the ticket.
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