Comp-U-News from Comp-U-Talk

August 2016

Men who try to do something and fail are infinitely better than those who try to do nothing and succeed.”  ~Lloyd Jones 


It’s been a summer of acquisitions and mergers.  In June Microsoft announced that it will acquire LinkedIn for $26.2 billion. In Microsoft’s words:  This deal brings together the world’s leading professional cloud with the world’s leading professional network.  You can read the complete story at:


In July Verizon announced it will acquire Yahoo’s core internet business for about $4.83 billion in cash.  This will place Verizon in third place, behind Google and Facebook for percentages of digital internet marketing shares.  But what is truly remarkable about this acquisition is the severance package given to Yahoo’s CEO Marissa Mayer.  She receives a whooping $54.9 million when she leaves the company.  All I can say is “Wow!  Why work when you can get paid to be fired!”  You can read the complete story here: 


In May, Charter Communications finalized the acquisition of Time Warner Cable and Bright House Networks, making Charter the second largest US cable provider.  Interestingly, Charter reached out to Comp-U-Talk and asked if we would be interested in representing their services in this area.  We said yes.  Our official kick-off day will be August 12.  A Charter representative will be in our store to answer your questions (and train our staff).  You are invited to stop by, drop your name in the hat for door prize drawings and get your questions answered or services updated or volunteer to be our guinea pigs while we learn a new system. 


In other important news:  If you are running software applications that only work in Windows 7, and if your computer is aging you should consider replacing the computer sooner rather than later.  (FYI:  the expected life span of a computer is five years.)  Based on the Microsoft published time lines for product life cycles, Windows 7 will only be available until October 31, 2016.  Come November, your only real choice of operating systems will be Windows 10.


That’s the news for this month.  If you are in the area on August 12, stop by and join the party.  If you need a new Windows 7 computer before they disappear forever, swing by and we will get you set up.



And because it made me laugh, and it’s a close resemblance to how I felt after helping hubby on the roof last weekend!

Melting Dog