You know how
sports enthusiasts play fantasy football? Well, I play
fantasy life. Granted, it’s all in my head.
I don’t think there is a “real” fantasy life game.
That’s a funny sentence. “real” “fantasy”.
Absurd! Anyway… In my fantasy life, I’m
President and I solve all of the world problems. I mention
this because the political scene is completely messed up this
year and if you are desperate for a new candidate, you can write in my name.
And if elected…
I thought I
would share some cool free tools that are available to solve some of your
computer problems.
If you are
running Windows 7 or Windows 8 and are tired of being nagged about upgrading to
Windows 10, then this free tool is for you. Scroll to the
bottom of the page and click on the green “Download Now” button.
Once it is downloaded, run it. You’re done!
Quick, Easy, Simple, and if your system has already downloaded the 6.5
gigs of install files, then this little utility will offer the option to remove
the install files and give back your hard drive.
The latest
versions of Word and Excel will let you save files as a PDF, but if you need to
create a PDF from some other source, then this is a cool way to do it.
CutePDF masquerades as a printer. Once
installed, you tell the program to print to the CutePDF printer and it will save
the print job as a PDF file. Word of warning:
the install process desires to install a bunch of junk that is not
necessary. Rather than mindless clicking thru the install
screens, read each screen. If it doesn’t say it is installing
CutePDF, then decline the offer. If, perchance you miss one,
then see the section about MalwareBytes below.
If you need to
transfer large files, WeTransfer has you covered. Email
servers typically limit the size of attachments to 10 Megabytes.
WeTransfer will allow up to 2 Gigabytes of transfers, all you need is a
valid email address for the recipient. Your file will be
available for download for two weeks.
If you are
using the internet you will get malware. Malware is more
obnoxious than dangerous. Normally, it is in the form of
unnecessary tool bars, it increases the number of ads you see and slows the
system (sometimes considerably). The free version of
Malwarebytes will cleanup the gunk. There is a paid version
that prevents the gunk from coming in.
And in summary:
I can’t give you more government handouts, but I can help you have a more
productive computing experience. So vote for me!
Or actually, Just Vote!
And because it made me laugh: In lieu of flowers, please do not vote for Hillary.