Comp-U-News from Comp-U-Talk

November  2015

"It's never too late to be what you might have been."

-George Eliot - Novelist 


We’re still getting a lot of questions concerning Windows 10.  Here is our standard answer:


If you are currently using Windows 8 or 8.1, then we recommend taking advantage of the free upgrade to Windows 10.  Windows 10 is a more stable version of what you have already learned and the upgrade process has been working fairly well. 


If you are currently using Windows 7, then we recommend staying where you are.  There is a learning curve to using Windows 10.  Remember, Windows 10 was designed to give you the same interface on your desktop computer as you have on your tablet and on your cell phone.  That means it is going to make use of touch technology.  There is also the pesky problem with driver updates.  Drivers are little programs that tell your computer how to communicate with your monitor and printer and keyboard and mouse and speakers and anything else you can possibly connect to a computer.  We’ve seen some issues with migrating Windows 7 drivers to the Windows 10 operating system and by issues, I mean it broke. 


With that being said, you might be interested in knowing Microsoft has a goal to get Windows 10 onto 10 billion (that’s billion with a “B”) by 2018.  In their attempt to do so, they will be changing Windows 10 status from a free upgrade to a Recommended Update.  Initial scuttlebutt says that change will happen “early next year”.  The official effective date hasn’t been announced yet.


What does that mean to you?  If you are a Windows 7 user you might want to change your update settings.  The settings are found on the control panel.  To get there, click on the Start Button and then choose Control Panel from the right menu pane.  The control panel can be viewed as categories or icons.  I’m old fashioned and resistant to change so I prefer to use the Icon view.  You can change to Large Icons or Small Icons by clicking on the link in the top right corner of the control panel.  Once in Icon View you will find Windows Updates at the bottom of the window.  Click It.  On the left edge of this window will be an option to change settings.  You guessed it, click on change settings!  Windows Updates will offer four options: 

1. Install Updates automatically (recommended)

2. Check & Download (but don’t install)

3. Check (but don’t download or install)

4. Never Check for updates (not recommended)


I recommend choosing Option 2 or 3.  Doing so will give you the right to decline any recommended update including Windows 10.  If you are unable to see the options above then chances are, your network administrator is controlling your workstation and they will do what is best for your work environment.


I finish up with a reminder:  The upcoming holiday season will sprout an increase of email and web ads as vendors vie for your dollars.  Pay attention to what you click.  Verify proper spelling of your name and domain names in every email opened.  The bad guys are still out there.  And they want to infect you.  So remember to check before you click!



Surf Safe,

