Comp-U-News from Comp-U-Talk
April  2014

"Obstacles are those frightful things you see when you take your eyes off your goal."

- Henry Ford



Support for Windows XP ends this month and while ideally, we would like to see everyone use a computer running Windows 7 or (gasp) Windows 8, we also know that extenuating circumstances happen.  So… if you  suffer from extenuating  circumstances, here are some tips you can follow to keep your computing as safe as possible.


Tip #1:  Install all available updates.  Just because support ends, it does not mean you should abandon all previously available support.  Open up Internet Explorer.  Click on the Tools Menu then Click on Windows Updates.  Bring those puppies in!


Tip #2:  Install all utility software updates.  When I say utility software, I mean programs like Adobe Flash and Java.  These programs are just as popular as Windows and are a huge target for cyber criminals.  You can find these programs in the Control Panel.  Once opened, look for buttons and menus that say Update.


Tip #3:  Download and install all other software updates.  What other software could you possibly have, you ask?  I’m thinking about Microsoft Office, Quickbooks, Skype, even your games (except Solitaire/Spider).  If you have software, check to see if updates are available.  Typically, the last item on the software menu bar is the About Menu.  Normally, links to software updates are found on this menu.  If you don’t see it there, then check the other menus.


Tip #4:  Keep your virus software up to date.  If money is an issue, then use the free version of AVG located at .


Tip #5:  Switch Browsers.  I realize that Internet Explorer is your favorite browser and possibly your only browser.  But there are other browsers available, and as of this writing, they are still making patches for all security issues found in their products.  I would suggest trying Chrome, available at:, or Firefox, available at:


Tip #6: Change Your Account to Limited.  This one is kind of a pain in the backside, but if you do a lot of web surfing and downloading, then this is worth the effort.  Basically, limited accounts can “look but not touch”, meaning they can run programs already installed, but they can’t install anything new.  Since security problems generally show up as some sort of install, setting your account to limited, should do just that - limit the installation of a problem.  Just remember, there are exceptions to every rule, setting your account to limited is not a license to do anything you want.  To make the change, Open the  Control Panel, navigate to Users.  You have to have at least one administrator account but you can make as many limited accounts as you like. 


 Stay Safe and remember, we sell computers with Windows 7.  Come see us when you are ready.
