“We can’t help everyone, but everyone can help someone.” - Ronald Reagan
This newsletter is the first of a two part series
educating about the dangers of social engineering. The original article can be
This scale of vices can be approached from either a negative or positive
side. You can either call it gullibility or you can call it trust, call it greed
or self-interest, but since we're talking vices here we'll stick to the negative
Here are seven social engineering attacks that I hope are a good example of each
one of the deadly vices, but note there is always overlap and things are not
that clear-cut. We are dealing with humans after all!
Curiosity: The attacker left a USB stick next to the washing basin in the
restroom of the floor that had the executive offices and their administrative
assistants. It was clearly marked 'Q1 Salary Updates'. The USB drive had
modified malware on it that installed itself and called home from any
workstation it was plugged into. This attack was 90% effective.
Courtesy: The attacker focused in on the CEO of his target company. He did his
research, found the CEO had a relative battling cancer and was active in an
anti-cancer charity. The attacker spoofed someone from the charity, asked the
CEO for his feedback on a fund-raising campaign and attached an infected PDF.
Mission achieved, the CEO's PC was owned and the network followed shortly after.
And of course holding the door open for a stranger with his hands full of boxes
is a classic 'Courtesy' piggybacking example that we all know.
Gullibility: Attackers identified the proper managers at two separate
branches of their targeted bank. They bought a domain name that looked very
similar to the bank's domain. They spoofed the bank exec's emails and sent bogus
emails to the manager authorizing transaction. They walked in with a counterfeit
check and a fake driver's license, and walked out with 25,000 in
Greed: Did you know that the Nigerian 419 scams these days use the word
'Nigeria' on purpose to qualify their targets up front? It's now utilized as a
filter to weed out people and grab the uneducated ones that are greedy enough to
take a risk and answer the 26 year old orphan girl that has $12,500,000 in the
bank, needs a guardian and some help transferring the funds...
Watch for part two coming next month. Until then, have a Safe & Happy