Comp-U-News from Comp-U-Talk
September 2011

Gratitude is not only the greatest of virtues, but the parent of all others. - Cicero

Wow! Did I learn stuff last month! First, I learned that I shouldn't write newsletters when I'm in a foul mood. Second, I learned that I shouldn't send newsletters without asking Neal to proof them first. If you missed the August newsletter, here is the recap via a much better mood.

Frontier is bringing high speed internet to the rural areas. If you are currently a coosnet dialup customer, you should plan to move your service to Frontier's high speed DSL. That's bad news for us because we lose you as coosnet customer, but it is good news for you because you will gain the ability to watch videos and send and receive large attachments with ease and the price is comparable. Some of you may even save money by making the switch.

Neal has gone through the hoops to get Comp-U-Talk setup as an ambassador for Frontier. That means, if you allow us to send your name, address, phone number and email on to Frontier, than Frontier will pay us a small commission fee. Any promotion or advertisement that Frontier may send you directly will be honored by our referral.

The next scheduled areas to receive DSL are Saunders Lake, Winchester Bay, Grays Creek and Greenacres. Frontier has not announced exact due dates yet. They have just opened Bridge, Charleston, Bradley Lake, 4 Mile and Hauser.

Frontier's investment in infrastructure to bring high speed to the rural areas does mean that Coosnet dialup won't be needed anymore. We anticipate that day to come sometime in the next six - 12 months so if you are currently using dialup service, don't panic. We will let you know with a minimum of 30 days notice before we turn off the dialup pool. Coosnet email will be available for as long as people want to continue to use it. An email only account is just $5 per month, billed quarterly.

The summary: If DSL becomes available and you can afford it, take it! If you would like to keep your email address, it is available, most likely, forever. If you are feeling kind and would like to call us and ask us to submit your name and statics to Frontier, they will pay us a referral fee when you accept the service. We like referral fees and say Thank you in advance.

Thank You!! In other fun news: The staff at Comp-U-Talk owes everyone a great big THANK YOU! You have voted us the #1 computer store in this area. We appreciate your loyalty, trust and confidence and will continue to work hard to maintain it.

And: Exciting news #3: My oldest daughter is in her final year of nursing school. She came home from class one day and said "Mom, you need to start a scrub store! There's no place to buy scrubs for tall people in this town." So we did some research and we are. Opening a Medical Scrub Store, that is. Watch for Medical Outfitters to open in mid September. My girls are currently putting approximately 1,000 items into inventory with sizes ranging from petite to tall and extra small to 3X. Our customers are our best advertisement. Please pass the word along.

Looking forward to new beginnings,
