Comp-U-News from Comp-U-Talk March 2010 Some people dream of success, others stay awake and make it happen. Windows 7 has been out for a few months now and the verdict is in. Windows 7 is a keeper. The public is raving about the security improvements and the boosted speed performance. And there are a number of new features such a sticky notes and snap that are finding their way into the public's heart. Sticky notes are an electronic version of the famous post-it notes. They come in a variety of colors and sizes for your note taking convenience. Best of all, they don't leave glue residue on your monitor when you pull them down. You can use them to take notes on what you are reading, maintain a to-do list, jot down the quick phone message, or use your imagination. They can't be folded, spindled, mutilated or hold a graphic. At this time, they are text only tools. Snap is a cool way to get your windows arranged on the screen. Simply drag the window to the edge of the screen and when you see the window shadow change to the desired shape, release the mouse. Presto-Change-o, the window is sized. This is most useful for positioning 2 windows side by side for easy comparison. Then there is my friend Deby who believes the best part of Windows 7 is the bubbles screen saver. I didn't have the heart to tell her the bubbles where included in Vista. She is gallantly trying to find a viable reason to necessitate an upgrade to Windows 7. As of yesterday, her boss wasn't buying the idea that a bubble screen saver would dramatically improve moral. Keep trying Deby! If you are trying to determine if an upgrade is right for you, here are some facts to be considered. There is no 'in-place' upgrade from Windows XP to Windows 7. If you are currently running Windows XP, you need to erase the hard drive, install Windows 7 then reinstall all of the programs and all of the data. This is time consuming and there is a risk of data loss. You can upgrade from Vista to Windows 7 without reinstalling programs or losing data. This is called an 'in-place' upgrade and the risks are minimal. Windows 7 requires a 1 gigahertz processor or faster, 1 gigabyte RAM if running the 32-bit Windows 7, or 2 gigabytes RAM if using the 64-bit Operating System, 16 gigs of available Hard disk space (32-bit) or 20 gigs (64-bit), and a DirectX 9 graphics device. Windows 7 comes in 32-bit or 64-bit versions. The 64 bit version can access up to 192 GB of RAM compared to 4 GB for the 32-bit version. Some devices and some software will not work with a 64-bit operating system. If you are considering an upgrade, give us a call. Windows 7 - it's a snap! ~ Janet