"God gave you a gift of 86,400 seconds today. Have you used one to
say 'thank you'?"
~William Arthur Ward
Good Golly! Where did the summer go? It seems like just yesterday I was
counting down to the last day of school and now the kids are back in school.
And it feels as if I have accomplished nothing with my reprieve from school
activities. All of my good intentions for the summer seemed to have been
gobbled up by . What? Where did I spend my time? I asked the techs what they
did with their summer and they told me they spent it repairing virus
problems. Seems, there is a really nasty Drive-By hanging out on the
internet. It calls itself Windows Antivirus. But don't believe everything you
read on the net, because this creature is definitely not Anti Virus. Here is
the real scoop:
Grisoft.com, the owners of AVG antivirus program have posted this on their
website: According to Google, 1 in 1000 Web pages is delivering some kind of
malicious code, mainly in the form of exploits delivered by drive-by
downloads. That translates to something like 70,000 poisoned pages ready and
waiting to infect visitors on any given day. (source:
And Microsoft reports that viruses are causing more than $55 billion (yes,
billion with a B) worth of damage each year, but viruses are not the
greatest threat. An even greater threat is the Drive-By. (source:
http://www.microsoft.com/windows/IE/community/columns/driveby.mspx )
What is a Drive-By? It is unwanted software that installs itself on your
computer without your knowledge or consent.
How does it get there? The most common carriers are songs from free music
sites, free screen savers and porn sites. But drive-bys can come from
What should you watch for? If a pop-up appears warning you have malware and
offers to scan for you, avoid the scan at all costs! If perchance you made
the mistake of letting the popup scan your system, DO NOT make the mistake
of paying the $50 to purchase the software to remove the problem. The
Software is the problem! And there is some scuttlebutt concerning whether or
not paying the $50 just set yourself up for identity theft. The verdict is
still out.
How do you protect yourself? Don't browse sites that rely heavily on
advertising. If it sounds to good to be true, then it probably is. Avoid
file sharing sites, porn sites, bootleg game and bootleg video sites. If you
are using Internet Explorer v7, turn on the phishing filter and the pop-up
blocker (click on Tools->Phishing Filter or Tools->Pop-up Blocker). Consider
investing in AVG 8 with link scanner technology. It is free for home use and
only $52 for a 2 year subscription for commercial use. I bet you know where
can get it locally. Come see me!
To safer computing,