from Comp-U-Talk
Feb 2008
February - The love month. (sigh!) What do I tell my customers? That I love Neal.
I love my kids. I love my family. I love my customers and I especially love it when
my customers give me their money! Yeah, that's it - I'm certain my readers will be
impressed. And then I caught a brain wave and decided to share with you some
information concerning what has become known as 'Scam-Spam'. Now a normal reader
would probably be thinking my thought train has jumped off the tracks! What does spam
have to do with love or February?
Several years ago, I was driving home from work. My oldest child was with me. She was
approximately six years old. As we drove, she was telling me about things she hated.
Now, hate is not a word or an attitude that I want to subscribe to, and I certainly
don't want my children subscribing to it either. So I explained to my wee one that
we don't hate people or things. As I came to a stop at the next traffic light, my
daughter exclaimed: "Mom, I don't love red lights!" Years later, I still chuckle
about love and "don't love". And when it comes to computers, what is the one item
that causes me the most amount of grief? The one item that I definitely DO NOT LOVE?
That would most definitely be spam, of course!
This morning as I scanned through the log files of multiple mail servers, I
noticed that the rate of legitimate email to garbage email is running at
roughly 2% good / 98% bad. Why does this happen? The following explanatory
quote was taken from
McAfee, of Santa Clara, Calif., throws around figures like these: If half of the
population in the United States (about 150 million people) use e-mail on a daily
basis, and if only half of them (75 million) are gullible, and only 1 percent
(750,000) buy into scam-spam on a given day, and if those victims were to cough
up a mere $20 per scam, the potential market amounts to $15 million a day, or
$105 million per week, or nearly $5.5 billion per year in just the United States
That's a lot of money! I don't know about you, but I suspect I could pretty easily
survive for a year or longer, on just the spam earnings of a single day. So how do
we combat it? With such an enormous amount of spam, it is impossible to filter out
every single piece. The following list, which is also found at, offers valuable suggestions
for helping to halt to barrage of spam: