You know those lazy, hazy, dog days of summer? Well, I would like to have some!
July was a hard month. I'm hoping August goes much smoother. The new mail server is in place. If you are having trouble accessing it, it would be because I mistyped your mailbox name. Call the store and ask the guys to fix it for you.
And the squirrel is back. Those who use the online version of email will be happy to see him. I've named him Oscar. If you haven't met him yet, he is residing at Oscar is the critter that will let you see your mail while you are away from home. Use your complete e-mail address as the name and your password is (duh) your password.
In other news, coosnet has expanded and now offers service in Reedsport, Port Orford, Gold Beach and Brookings. We also have an alternate number for Bandon. Dial in numbers are as follows:
Bandon |
347-0904 |
Brookings |
412-5904 |
Gold Beach |
247-1904 |
Port Orford |
366-9904 |
Reedsport |
271-8904 |
So, I'm off to practice tying a hangman's noose, as I'm on jury duty for the next 3 weeks. Did you know a proper noose has eight coils at the top? I didn't either. If you have an extra rope, please meet me at the courthouse steps.
Complete Noose Tying directions available at:
(just in case you get called for jury duty too!)
To Happier Computing (and fewer criminals),