Comp-U-News from Comp-U-Talk
July 2005
and failure. We think of them as opposites, but they're really not.
They're companions - the hero and the sidekick.
~ Laurence Shames
Where does my time go? I'm a wife, mother, employer, volunteer, friend, daughter, and there are probably some hats I forgot to mention. With all sorts of activities going on, I'm always looking for ways to make my life more efficient, and I was pleased to stumble across a cheat sheet for making web searching more productive. Below are the tricks that I've been using for awhile and some that I didn't know about until recently.
A complete sheet tailored for use at the Google search engine can be found at:
Yahoo has some pretty cool searches as well. You can see them at:
These Tips Work in Most Search Engines |
What to type on the search line: |
What it finds |
green bean |
Any article with the word green OR the word bean |
green bean +coffee |
Any article with the word green OR the word bean AND the word coffee. (The + requires the word coffee to occurs inside the article.) |
-green coffee bean |
Any article with the word coffee OR the word bean. Any article containing the word green with be excluded |
coffee OR bean |
Any article with the word coffee plus any article with the word bean |
'coffee bean' |
Any article with the exact phrase coffee bean |
These Tips work at Google |
~auto loan |
Any article with the word loan, auto, or any synonym for auto, such as truck, car, vehicle |
Define: synonym |
Will look for definitions of the word synonym |
Safesearch: sex education |
Searches for sex education material but excludes any adult-content site (use this one at your own risk!) |
These Tips work at Yahoo |
Butterfly facts |
Get the Columbia Encyclopedia entry for a topic by searching on the topic and 'facts' |
Convert yen dollar |
Find the exchange rate for a unit of currency or convert one currency to another |
United 63 |
For flight departure, arrival and status information, search on the airline name or airline code and flight number |
Yankees scores |
To get real time scores for games in progress and stats for recently played games, search on the name of your favorite baseball, basketball, hockey, or football team and "scores". |
To more productive searching!